Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Kung Fu Shoes

 Because there's only one thing that can defeat Chuck Norris.

In all seriousness though, I just got some new cotton-soled kung fu shoes from KarateDepot.com.  They are very cheap (about $12 including shipping), lightweight, and comfortable.  Actually, the quality of the shoes is better than I had expected when I ordered them.  I tried them on this evening and they are almost as comfortable as going barefoot (okay, more comfortable if you are walking on asphalt or other awful modern surfaces).

I had been wanting some lighter footwear, now that the weather here is starting to warm up, and I don't like wearing flip-flops so much anymore because there is a lot of evidence now that they're basically bad for your feet.  Kung fu shoes, or rather, the kind of shoes that people wore in China for a long, long time, whether they were martial artists or not, are a good alternative that will protect your soles from broken glass, dirt, needles, little tiny rocks, etc. without sacrificing the ergonomic benefits of going barefoot (minimalist footwear in general, since it lacks an artificial arch, is supposed to help strengthen your feet, ankles, and calves, as well as correct your posture and gait).  I have a pair of Vibram FiveFingers, too, but I don't like the extra attention I get from walking around looking like a freak.  The kung fu shoes are much more discreet.  Plus, retro fashion icon Bruce Lee wore them, so they must be cool.

If you want some, you can get them at about a hundred different places online, or swing by your local Chinatown, if you are lucky enough to have one.  There are rubber-soled versions available, too, for heavier outdoor use, but I'm starting with the cotton-soled ones for Taijiquan, qigong, and just walking around the neighborhood.

My old kung fu teacher used to make us train in cotton-soled shoes like these on a waxed concrete floor.  He waxed the floor every week.  One false move, you were on your ass.  That's one way to learn balance.

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